Sabbath School and Personal Ministry
The goal of the Sabbath School Ministry is to foster a better knowledge of the Bible. To achieve this goal, he will encourage personal Bible study and sharing during Sabbath School classes.
Stewardship Ministry
The goal of the Sabbath School Ministry is to foster a better knowledge of the Bible. To achieve this goal, he will encourage personal Bible study and sharing during Sabbath School classes.
Health Ministry
We believe in a “healing ministry” that helps people become whole again. Being “whole” means taking care of every part of a person—spiritual, physical, mental, and social.
Adventist Youth Ministry
We are driven by Christ’s love (2 Cor 5;14), hoping that he will make our dreams possible (Fil 3:14)
Evangelism Ministry
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. Revelation 14:06
Adventist Mission Ministry
“Go and make followers of all people in the world” (Matthew 28:19)
Revival And Reformation
The Revival and Reformation initiative of the Seventh-day Church, seeks to assist the church in removing the obstacles so that God can revive the church with His Spirit, accomplish the work of reflecting His character, and proclaiming the gospel to the world in preparation of His return.