Our Field

The Seventh – day Adventist church has been called for the ministry of preaching the gospel of God! Today we praise the Lord because in every local church and every company of North Rwanda Field, all local church Elders have now fully comprehended the core responsibility of the Seventh –day Adventist Church which is spreading the gospel of God. This means that every local church prepares evangelism campaign every quarter.

The map below is the territory showing where North Rwanda Field is located and is accomplishing the ministry of preaching the gospel of God. You can read and observe all about the wonderful things that were accomplished especially in evangelism, but there is great work yet to be done! We serve a great God who strengthens and guides us as we further His ministry.

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The red color on the map shows the cells where there is no presence of SDA church and not church member and the yellow color yellow shows the cells where there is a church member but no local church while the green color shows the cells where we have churches.

We are thankful that God has blessed North Rwanda Field in the past in a special way to maintain and go forward in our mission to reach the people in Northern Province with the gospel using all the means available to us. Still we will have to seek constantly for opportunities to use the means entrusted to us in the most effective way, so that we may be found as good steward for our Lord.

It’s always exciting to share God’s incredible blessings in North Rwanda Field with our readers. About financial report, the spirit of sacrifice that Christ modeled in His own life motivates believers of North Rwanda Field to follow His example. We thank God for the ongoing commitment of Church members in North Rwanda Field to support the mission of the church with their tithe and offerings.

During COVID-19 the effects of the financial crisis have substantially impacted the Church in North Rwanda Field. Some of local churches were closed but we are thankful that with God’s help the North Rwanda Field has been able to help local churches involved in coping with that situation. We know that the financial crisis is not over and we are depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us navigate difficult times we face today.

Even though we faced such difficulties, we did not give up! The North Rwanda Field is happy to support local churches in their projects in church roofing but there are still financial challenges to fund other projects and new initiatives, as well as the operation of our many institutions including schools and Rwankeri Health center. Church members in North Rwanda Field still see mission as a high priority. We take courage that our Lord will continue to bless His church in North Rwanda Field and we will see marvelous things wrought by His power.

Let us labor together and look forward to God’s Working on our behalf for “there is a great work to be done for our time and we do not half realize what the Lord is willing to do for His people”

Review and Herald, June 4, 1889

The Lord will bless our humble commitment, and out of this period of darkness, a brighter day will come. The Lord Jesus will surely come!

Pastor Setako Sophonie