Prepared by
Pr. Herbert I. Nziku
Ministerial Secretary – ECD
Day 4: Heart Searching and Self-examination
Day 7: Feeling Our Spiritual Need
Day 12: Part Takers of Divine Nature
Day 13: Clay in the Hands of the Potter
Day 17: The Mind Renewed
Day 18: Self Crucified
Day 19: Thoughts Transformed
Day 20: Temper Subdued
Day 21: Revival at Pentecost
Day 22: Unlimited Supply of Missionary Spirit
Day 23: A New Pentecost
Day 24: A Special Bestowal of Spiritual Grace
Day 25: Full Impartation of the Spirit
Day 26: No Specific Time
Day 27: Without Excitement
Day 28: In Unexpected Ways
Day 29: To Unexpected People
Day 30: Often Rejected
Day 31: Beware of Resisting
Day 32: Fear of Witnessing Gone
Day 33: The Greatest Work on Earth
Day 34: The Light of the World
Day 35: The salt of the Earth
Day 36: Ambassadors of Christ
Day 37: Cooperation with Divine Power
Day 38: Laborers Together with God
Day 39: All Members Called to be Missionaries
Day 40: Even Children May Share
The earth we are living on is not as safe as we might think it is. It does not take one to be a professional in Biblical prophecies to realize that things are changing for the worse at an unprecedented speed. The enemy of humankind is cunningly working his snares in all aspects of our lives. In all his undertakings he is always time conscious. “He is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short.” (Rev. 12:12b). He is gathering his armies and putting in place all plans for the last showdown.
The current status of the church is perhaps not far from the point in Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins when “The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.” (Matt. 25:5 NIV). Indicators show that a significant percentage of church members seem to be in a midnight total spiritual slumber, not leaving aside even the leaders of all levels of the church. These are the times the Apostle Paul wrote, “While people are saying peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thes. 5:3 NIV).
However, we are not in darkness as Paul affirms; “But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.” (1 Thes. 5:4). Our church in East Central Africa Division (ECD) is not asleep. We have made a resolve to be aggressive this time round to snatch as many souls from the grip of this diabolical adversary as to double our membership in 2025. This endeavor is in line with the world church’s initiative “Mission Refocus – Going Beyond Our Horizon.” The ECD Evangelistic Impact 2025 will be a reality if and only if all church members will change from being spectators into players. As we are all aware, “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” (Eph. 6:12), we need to use the weapons at our disposal to conquer our enemy, liberate the victims, and bring them home.
Prayer is the most powerful weapon which, makes even Satan and his army tremble. Ellen G. White notes, “At the sound of fervent prayer, Satan’s whole host trembles.” (Prayer, p. 257).
The ECD leadership makes an appeal to all administrators, leaders, pastors, church elders, deacons & deaconesses, church members, and all believers to unite our hearts and come before our Lord with Fasting and Prayer. Let us pray, pray, and pray again and again until Satan loses all victims by trembling! Biblical history has documented times without a number of great events when God intervened and conquered the enemy on behalf of His people as a result of diligent prayer. So, saints, let us try God again this time!
The fasting and Prayer will last for 40 days from May 24 – July 01, 2023. During these forty days, the entire ECD territory will be saturated with prayers and supplication, which will ascend to the throne of God, day and night. This devotional resource will be used in the whole division. The theme is “40 DAYS OF BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT” It is a careful selection and compilation of the writings of Ellen G. White on the subject of the Holy Spirit. I will participate. will you
Suggested Program
- Make a deliberate decision and commitment before God to spend quality time with Him in all 40 days.
- Select 5 people whom you will be praying for them. Make sure these people are around you. (Relatives, neighbors, friends, workmates, classmates, etc.) Establish a meaningful relationship with them and letting know that you are praying for them.
- Where possible plan with them to meet shortly and regularly for Bible study and prayer.
- Virtual meetings (eg. via Zoom) can be used to facilitate this program in spite of the limited time we have.
- Read prayerfully each day’s reading from this resource. Meditate about the lesson and its importance in your life (Some reflection questions are provided at the bottom of each lesson).
- Take an inventory and evaluation of your spiritual life. Measure the temperature of your spiritual life to see whether is hot or cold (Refer to Rev. 3:15-20).
- Pray for the items outlined at the bottom of each day’s lesson. (Note that the main prayers should be the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the ECD Evangelistic Impact 2025).
- This resource should be distributed by all possible means (printing or soft copy) and shared on all social media platforms so as to make it accessible to all.
- Translation to other languages is encouraged so as to allow as many members as possible to receive and use it.
- Testimonies of what the Lord will be doing in your lives and the lives of those that you will be praying for and with are highly expected (through pastors and ministerial secretaries).
- Any creative way can be used to make this program successful.